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Cisco NSO Ready to go Template (GUI Interface)

Rihaza Norby

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Cisco Network Services Orchestrator (NSO)

Packages Installed in Our NSO

  1. NSO 5.7 Linux-Ubuntu
  2. Cisco IOS (XE) NED
  3. Cisco IOS XR NED
  4. Cisco NXOS NED
  5. Cisco ASA NED

Steps To use our NSO

Step 1: Install EVE-NG form : https://www.eve-ng.net/index.php/download/

Step 2: Download Our NSO File https://mega.nz/file/xcZyjJxB#3xy941rH7HH5AWYxHWwApSIK05RM0VaMQpz3SjItaOg

Step 3: Login with File Zilla or any other FTP Client in your EVE-NG and upload our Downloaded Folder to /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu

NSO & Its Packages Starts By itself  (Our Ubuntu Cred is "clc/clc")

For NSO CLI Access:

  1. open terminal "ssh admin@localhost -p 2024"  

For NSO GUI Access:

  1. Open Firefox "http://localhost:8080"



NOTE : After entering password "clc" it will take time to come up 2 - 3 Minutes (NSO Packages is Starting)

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